Student Learning

Specialist Classes


Pak Laidler teaches Indonesian at Success PS. In the Language classroom, we learn to speak Indonesian with the help of iPad apps, as well as more traditional language learning techniques! We also make good use of the WA Curriculum programme “Ketawa”, which looks at various aspects of Indonesian culture as well as intensive language learning.

As one of the world’s largest nations, and of course our closest geographical neighbour, Indonesia is a fascinating and varied country. It is hoped that by studying the language at an early age, we will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the country beyond the beaches of Bali.


Jenny Gaunt provides weekly music lessons to students from Year 1 – 6. Classes include moving, singing, playing a range of instruments, listening, reading, writing and creating music.

All students are encouraged to involve themselves with Music to the best of their ability. Music makes so many contributions to kids’ development; it assists their academic achievement and social/emotional wellbeing, it enhances brain function, memory, concentration and ability to express feelings. And it’s fun!

Please see for more information on the Music program at Success.

Physical Education

Clifford Taylor teaches Physical Education (skill development) to students in Year 1 – 6 classes as well as providing a weekly sport session for our senior students on Fridays. We cover a variety of sports and physical activities throughout the year and compete in the Cockburn Central Sports Association (CCSSA) Interschool Carnivals which comprise of ten schools.

Our Physical education teaching programme is as follows…

Term 1  

Juniors: Gymnastics, locomotion, ball manipulation

Seniors: Volleyball and Basketball

Term 2

Juniors: Cross Country, Soccer, AFL,Netball

Seniors: Cross Country, Soccer, AFL, Netball & Modcrosse

Term 3

Juniors: Athletics (sprinting, tabloid games)

Seniors: Athletics (track and field, team games & tabloid games)

Term 4

Juniors: Cricket, T-Ball, Golf, Small Ball Sports, In Term Swimming

Seniors: Cricket, T-Ball, Golf, In Term Swimming

Visual Arts